Egypt’s road from July 3rd to Freedom and Social Justice I

Ahmed Amin Nasr
2014 / 3 / 17

The helical rising of Sirius “ The Star of Isis” just before the sun, around 25th of June ushering fertility of the Nile River, resurrection of Horus, and beginning of Egypt New Year.

The tide of Egyptian masses displayed the loudest cry for freedom and social justice, while the General was “crossing the Rubicon”. Both stood fast as the die was cast “alea iacta est”, in preparation for getting Egyptian Triad just right.

The ancient Egyptian triad, “Nile River, God and Pharaoh”´-or-economy, faith and order made the backbone of the state, the essence of the culture and the basis of endeavor for economic stability and maintained Egyptian resilience following droughts, low river´-or-foreign invasion.

Egyptian hopes following continuous uprisings were dealt major blows by final rise of MB project and their failure in management of the Egyptian triad. Egyptians never forgave them for taking the MB family higher in position equal´-or-even above the Egyptian nation, replacing humble Islamic beliefs with fanatic ones and for seriously damaging Islamic-Coptic matrix of Egyptian society.

Healing of Egyptian nation and mending the society fabrics should be a priority for the coming republic. Moslems and Copts should be free to choose, and real varied choices should exist for sorting out Egypt polarized predicament.

The Ministry of Religious Endowments should be responsible for Moslem and Coptic Egyptians, while taking deep interest in both the Coptic Church and Al-Azhar as top religious authorities. Religious language advocating tolerance and middle way reflecting Islamic values of Medina just before “tribalisation of Islamic state" by the triumphant Umayyad army on one side and the defeated Hashimites on the other side. Critical analysis of extremism on historical, scientific and reasonable judicial context should be initiated sooner than later. Setting the theme of Friday sermon in all the Mosques wouldn’t help but for promoting Jihadists as freedom fighters´-or-at the worst intellectual preachers. Both Al-Azhar and Coptic Church are requested to streamline and develop modern profile that would satisfy majority of Egyptian believers and reinforce their human message of peace, humility and love.
For such trend to be nurtured, we need a political movement that recognizes the dual nature of Egypt believes and endorses democracy as a starting point of a new era following these continuous uprisings for three years. Pushing secularism on Egyptians would leave people’s religious receptors open for different interpretations and possibly for a final comeback of MB on a stronger basis.

Islamic Christian Democratic Egyptian Party that abide by the eternal role of God in the Egyptian Triad, recognize the religious nature of Egyptians, maintain free development of religious believes, support equal rights for all Egyptian people, create a modern society based on scientific and social human achievements and finally promote Egypt peace and humanity message both regionally and globally.

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