Dialectical Materialism and Msrxism1

Y. kojaman
2014 / 2 / 8

In an article which I discussed in Modern Discussion the phrase “Marxist Dialectics” was used several times. I think that this phrase is wrong, so I discussed it in an article which is Google translated from Arabic with some necessary corrections and changes and I hope that it became readable by English readers.
First, the use of this term implies the existence of non-Marxist dialectics. This is something that does not make sense because if we consider the existence of people who believe in Marxist dialectics we have to consider that there are also people who believe in non-Marxist dialectics. If therefore there is a Marxist dialectics this implies the existence of a non-Marxist dialectics. Why then there is no Marxist dialectics?
Scientific definition of dialectics is "dialectics are laws of motion." Motion is organically associated with matter. There is no matter without motion, and no motion without matter. There is no difference in that if we believe the theory of the Big Bang, or not. Even if the Big Bang theory is true, this means that there was no matter before the Big Bang and therefore there was no motion. At the Big Bang matter existed, the newly born Universe, and motion also existed at the same time. This is not a discussion of the Big Bang theory, but there are those who do not believe it and believe that the universe has no beginning and has no end
What does the term “there is no matter without motion and there is no motion without matter” mean? It means that every material unit however big or infinitely small, each material body, is in perpetual motion even if it seemed still to the human eye. And that every unit of matter in any form and in any kind of matter is in perpetual motion, even if it does not appear to the human eye as a matter such as forms of energy or as rays. And that every unit of matter or a material body can change from one form of matter to another in its motion. This is true for the entire universe and for any part of it and is true for the smallest unit of matter or any material body in the universe.
On the development of matter in its motion and transformations to the emergence of man with his developed brain and his free hands specialised for work he began his search for means to risk him from the difficulties of life on earth. He began studying his surroundings in order to discover these means. This means that man began trying to learn the nature surrounding him. He began to learn the earth starting science in its primitive forms such as carving stones and the invention of the arrow and the discovery of fire as is known by the development of science and human history. In science since its primitive start until its development to real advanced science man was actually learning matter in its motion and started to understand its natural changes, or to change it by science. All branches of science are a study of matter and its transformations in its motion from one form to another. Every science achieved by man is a motion of matter and its transformations regardless of its type or the name of science or its degree of development. Learning people were not aware of anything about dialectics and its laws, but scientific research in all its forms and branches, is a dialectical research which studies matter in its motion and its transformations. A scientist cannot be a scientist unless he is dialectical in his research for every unit of matter is dialectical in motion and the scientist cannot understand or discover it if he was not dialectical in his research. It is impossible to mention a lot of examples of sciences in this article but it is possible to choose some examples.
Man learned agriculture. Agriculture is a motion which has been developing in nature without human intervention and before the appearance of man on earth. It is a motion which includes the development of the seed into a plant which develops into the fruit and into seeds which may be starting to grow again. After learning of agriculture he learnt to improve agriculture to get more sophisticated of natural types of fruit and seeds for the development of his food or uses of fruit, seeds and wood.
Man learned to domesticate animals transferring them from animals who are human enemy threatening his life into animals serving man in different ways. After the domestication of animals, man succeeded in changing domesticated animals to develop their possibilities of providing services to man.
The water cycle in nature is a motion which had a significant impact in changing the nature of the earth to be converted from the light block to a cold ground block suitable for the emergence of life on Earth. Man learned to operate the water cycle and industrially developed his knowledge to use the power of steam to produce machines, trains and other articles.
Since the emergence of life on earth there were cycles and motions taking place into the living bodies which lead to keep them alive. The science of medicine, for example, discovered the blood circulatory system, which was occurring throughout the life of the human and other living bodies without knowing anything about it, without which life could not continue on earth. Getting knowledge of the circulatory system man was able to develop the science of medicine taking advantage of this natural motion which man had no role in creating.
Sciences evolved entirely without man knowing anything about dialectics and its laws. Scientists in all branches of science were researching normal motions taking place in nature, learning motion and ways of developing them. This is the real content of all sciences of man, without exception. Man continued his effort to learn natural motions of the universe in which he lives and learn their development for his interest billions of years as is known from history of human life on earth, and succeeded to learn a lot of these motions and learn to develop them without the need to know something called dialectic materialism. Whenever he learns something new and recognizes its natural motions, his development increases and his search for new motions continues trying to discover and learn how to use them in his favour.
As a result of the development of human sciences, man himself developed to an extent that he discovered a new phenomenon which he did not know before. He discovered that all the motions that he discovered and learned throughout the history of scientific research conducted in one system imposed by nature on these motions. He found that these natural motions behave in the same natural system which applies to all motions he learned and he will learn. Hegel discovered that these motions take place in a way which develops gradually quantitatively imperceptible for some period then suddenly changes into a new motion qualitatively different. Hegel conceived this as if it happens on ideas, on thought. Karl Marx saw that this development in motion occurs on the motion of matter and ideas about these motions are nothing but their reflection in human brains. He saw that these laws are the laws prevailing in each motion of matter without exception. The evolution of the motion begins with imperceptible quantitative changes in the form of motion which continue for some period, then suddenly turn into a new form of motion, a qualitative change. These motions are affected by all its surrounding motions so that the direction of motion is decided according to the impact of the surrounding motions on the motion itself. This motion with all qualities of transformations of quantitative and qualitative changes was called dialectics and its happening on matter was called dialectical materialism. Dialectical motions were taking place as long as there was matter, that is since the existence of the universe and continue to take place as long as the matter exists, that is as long as the universe exists. The science of dialectical materialism is nothing but its discovery by man as are all other sciences. I will mention only two or three examples of this.
When the earth separated as a separate independent body it was a fire ball which began by effect of its internal motion to cool and transform into a solid ball. Over billions of years it continued to cool and form layers of earth as its Earth s crust. As in all human sciences, man learned about the existence of different layers in the earth s crust. Man began to study and try to follow the history of the formation of the crust. Science found that layers of the Earth s crust were formed gradually in the form of non-tangible quantitative changes for millions of years in order to suddenly turn into a qualitative change distinguished from other layers. Man was able in the science of geology to ascertain scientifically of the history of quantitative developments and changes into qualitative developments. Through the study of how long it has taken for the transformation of quantitative changes to qualitative changes for the formation of a crust layer which differ in characteristics from other layers to reach an estimated history of the formation of the earth as an independent body separate from other cosmic bodies. Geology is the science of the study of quantitative and qualitative changes in the Earth s crust and its history. This is the dialectics of the formation of Earth s crust layers, or is the history of the earth as an independent body of the universe. Geology is the science of dialectic materialism of the history of earth as an independent body in the universe.
Billions of years of Earth s history passed without the existence of life on it. Then favourable conditions for the emergence of life on Earth emerged. Life started as one cell living body. Quantitative changes which developed into qualitative changes led to the emergence of different living bodies consisting of more than one living cell. This development continued which led to the separation of animal life from plant life. The evolution of the two types of life continued to the high levels that allowed the emergence of animal life and to the emergence of man.
When man emerged he began as in every domain of science to study the evolution of life on Earth. This science developed to Darwinism, the science that followed the quantitative and qualitative transformations which happened until the emergence of man. Darwinism is the science of the evolution of animal life on the planet. It is a study of quantitative developments in animal life through millions or billions of years changing into qualitative developments. Darwinism is the dialectic of evolution of animal life on earth, in spite of the fact that Darwin himself probably did not know and did not hear about the science of dialectics. Karl Marx himself admitted this for Darwin.
The emergence of a new human being begins in the body of the male splitting some cells to half-cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes, qualitatively different of all other cells of his body to form semi moving cells, the male sperms, which he ejaculates in the woman’s body during intercourse. In a woman s body the emergence of a new human also starts by splitting of some cells of her body into semi-cells which contain half the number of chromosomes to form the ovules. When ejaculating the man s sperms in a woman s body during intercourse the sperms move in search of an ovule to penetrate and to form a new cell which contains the full number of chromosomes and has the property of the ability to evolve and fission to form cells that develop quantitatively and qualitatively through stages very similar to the process of evolution of life on Earth. This body develops and changes until it is fully grown embryo. Upon maturation of the embryo inside the uterus, which has been its protector and supplier with all the necessary materials in order to continue to grow, the moment of the revolution on the uterus in order to force himself out as a new baby arrives. All of this was going on for millions of years without man knowing anything about it. But science has succeeded in its evolution to know a lot of details about the quantitative and qualitative changes in this development. This is another clear example that dialectical materialism occurs independently of the will of man.
All Humanitarian sciences are a study by man of motion in matter conducted for millions and millions of years without knowing anything about something called dialectics. This means that he was researching motion in matter without knowing that these motions are going on according to a certain system which is fixed.
But progress of humanitarian sciences reached the stage where man was able to realize that all motions in nature take place in accordance with a particular system discovered by Hegel and he imagined that it applies on ideal development but Marx quoted and found that it applies to all natural motions in the universe since the emergence of the universe, if there was a beginning for it. So dialectics are not hypotheses in human thought, as some claim, but is a scientific discovery achieved by human brain like all other scientific discoveries.
Material dialectics or dialectical materialism then is the science of recognising of quantitative and qualitative changes in all natural motions, it therefore includes all humanitarian sciences. Man did not create the natural developments, but discovered them including the discovery of the science of dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism is not a thinking system but is a science discovered by man as he discovered other sciences.
The advantage of dialectical materialist scientists is that they study quantitative developments and their conversion to qualitative changes in a conscious way and not as non-dialectical scientists studied the same motions.
Dialectics then is the science of the laws according to which occur all the motions in the Universe, in nature including human society. This science has no connection with the science of Marxism.
Laws of material dialectics then did occur in the motion of matter as long as the history of the Universe whether it had a beginning or not and will still occur as long as the Universe remains in existence. The history of dialectical laws is the history of the Universe for there was no existence for a universal motion without the laws of dialectics and there was no existence for dialectical laws without the existence of motion in the Universe.
Since Hegel’s discovery of the laws of dialectics a lot of ideas emerged about dialectics so that Marx said that dialectics became the fashion. When Marx changed the laws of dialectics from idealist dialectics to materialist dialectics, dialectical materialism, the emergence of thousands of ideas about it which continued from the days of Hegel and Marx until our time and will continue in future by thinkers, philosophers, scientists and ignorant people. But dialectical materialism in reality is the system in which every motion in the universe, in nature including human being occurred as long as the universe existed and will continue as long as the universe will remain in existence. So what is the nature of all these different human ideas?
It is known that the picture reflected in a mirror differs according to the shape and quality of the mirror. Human brain is like a mirror which reflects dialectical materialism differently according to the shape and quality of human brain. In Hegel’s brain it was reflected upside down on its head and was reflected in Marx’s brain straight on its legs. Different ideas about dialectic materialism are in fact the pictures, the reflections of it, in different human brains. All the discussions which occurred and are occurring about dialectical materialism are therefore not about the real dialectical materialism occurring in nature entirely independent of human will but about its pictures, its various reflections, in human brains.

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