The end of the world´-or-its philosophy

2014 / 1 / 17

The end of the world´-or-its philosophy
The whole scenario is based on beliefs that derived from the Mayan civilization that the end of the world is on 21st December 2012 because of "the biggest solar climax in the recorded history", this is what I `d like to call "the outer frame work" which the author employ to convey his message if we did not say his " hidden agenda".
From the very beginning, the audience may deal with the scenario as assort of science fiction story´-or-even a religious one with mystical attitudes because of the strong connection between "the end of the world" to many religions, even if they were totally contradicted, and what comes after that, namely, the high technology used in the production can`t be ranged as " a theme markers" that classify the movie to any other suggested themes as these effects weren`t but subordinates to the idea of "THE END OF THE WORLD".
Although the main focus in "2012" is on the world`s destruction, this is not but a frame , as I stressed before, and within that form´-or-frame the reader can easily ,using simple tools of close reading , discover the author`s hidden agenda and can easily discover that 2012 is not a matter of "the world`s end" but " it is the world`s philosophy".
The author employs a set of objective correlatives and symbols with which he objectifies the theme of "Man`s salvation" and "life deserving" , but before introducing these symbols , the concept of salvation itself has to be clarified and redefined according to the context of the " modern man" . What is meant by salvation here is not related to any beliefs of any dogmas but a new concept related to anew dogma. The concept of salvation here is that of the modern "holly secular trinity" of "Wealth, science and power" which makes his believers get salvation, deserve life or, in other words, get on THE SHIP.
The ship in "2012" is a clear objective correlative to Noah`s ship in the Bible and in Quran, but with a simple comparison between the two situations,we can simply identify the great difference between them in terms of the criteria according to which one can embark on the ship , the leaders of the two ships and at the end the doer of the world`s destruction in both situations.
In 2012`s ship, the criteria according to which on can embark on the ship is something related to " how loyal is he to the trinity of science, wealth and power", the gods of the modern man and with them he can get salvation:
"Our mission is to sure that we can save the dominant species"
2012`s ship is a sort of Utopia in which people who are different from the rest of the world ,or what the author call "THE SPECIES ",by sticking to the teachings of the new gods and gain specific scientific , financial´-or-authoritative characteristics live . Noah`s ship was also a sort of Utopia but with radically different people with different characteristics from those who were in 2012`s ship.
Between Noah`s ship and 2012`s ship a question arises " who deserves life: THE BELIERVERS OF GOD´-or-THE BELIEVERS OF THE SECULAR TRINITY?. The same ship but with different filters in TWO different points of time between which a temporal gap is left to declare, when the second ship moves while believers in Mecca and Rome are ashes, the death of "god".
The same dissolution but now "salvation" comes from the spirit of the Materialism not from "God" , even when "THE SPECIES" decided to accept "the others" on their ship , it was not a sort of GOD`s mercy but a political decision taken after a democratic activity , namely, "VOTING" :
"We vote to let these people come in"
And here, we can see how "THE SPECIES" can control giving and depriving life from "these people". 2012`s people are of two categories: A) whose saving his life become a mission.
B) Whose life and death is a matter of voting.

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