Obama in Baghdad hosts

Qusay Tariq Jassim
2013 / 7 / 4

Qusay Tariq Paintings in the past provided Qusay Tariq talk about Obama and this painting attracted many people and opinions ... art painting strange, the meaning of the strange, not to be found within the Iraqi art, the style of new ideas, new, susceptible art painting at the U.S. embassy and the French embassy and demanding the Ministry of Culture acquisition, art painting composed of two pieces, a piece composed of the staff and in the middle of the Prophet Jesus, and in the second Obama and his successor arc golden, and holds both panels gold, that the idea of the board golden taken from Islamic thought, because the Day of Judgment will carry every man his work in the palette , as well as from thought Almrmona which Mormon prophet acknowledged that he found gold plates translated into Bible Almrmona. This painting candidate to enter the history book of American modern art

That the first painting with the angels and Jesus Christ, and spoke cherubim came from: Alkrubion and Alkrobeh: angels´-or-people close to the pad,´-or-one of the senior Angels bones after Aserovyin. Ancient Judaism the cherubim collect Krupp and perhaps used the Jewish pronunciation. The meaning guard´-or-close (plural, singularכ-;-ְ-;-ּ-;-ר-;-ו-;-ּ-;-ב-;-Krupp gathered Arabic Kropon, any campaign "Creator" and guards "Eden - paradise", Genesis 3, 24: (expelled rights and lived east of the Garden of Eden cherubim and flames sword checkered guarded by Tree of Life), Psalm 6:10 p.m.: (rode on Krupp and flew on wings of the wind). and described in several texts as in (Ezekiel) 20:10: (This is the animal that I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar, and I learned it is cherubim) has reiterated the official text Christian in Hebrews 5:9: (and it Krupa glory Mazll cover), and was "the Ark of the Covenant" decorated in the form of fees "cherubim" as in Altnach, may be what we re seeing so far from the winged bulls in the Assyrian palaces and "Gabriel" and " Wailing "in Islam, and stated in the NISA) will not disdain Christ to be a slave to God nor angels close and disdain for worship and are arrogant Vchristcherhm him all )( 172)

The Angels are special in God, saves man but man without guards, possible that Ihsaly pain and death, but always carries a message.

I mean paneled gold are the commandments of God to man in every time we find that there holds texts God new to humans is a human and not a creature strange, because God in the Koran said (created man like me and be my successor in the ground), whom shepherds like Jesus and Mohammed, including carpenter like Zakaria , and artist such as Abraham, not specific work for them, not a graduate degree, these people today takers new forms, and I think and explained in practical that God did not cut it relates to human beings PAL still sends missionaries renewed, each time period, carrying these texts, and adjust them It is Rosa Louise Parks, Alexander Fleming, who is Martin Luther King JR, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Conner Ed Zaush, Steve Jobs, editors political heads, and many, perhaps the next you are,´-or-are not to be minute your value, that God is Creator you, he highest value in the world, is not your boss at work,´-or--dir-ector of the company, he is much higher for all these things, if you are responsible to be a shepherd for family friends, community, and says Adam Smith (special interest in the public interest), If you are qualified to carry new golden texts, and Honey is our question of carrying this text was a teacher in a school´-or-a professional artist, the right of others to judge him and kill him, which does not belong to humans?.
If he says the Prophet Muhammad are all a shepherd and we are all responsible for his flock, and there are those who carries the thought that God sent to humans that was a man of religion, missionary´-or-school teacher, a teacher at the University, and many others.
Sentences written on the technical panels in panels are:


ama-gi,W ord meaning freedomaSumeriancuneiformexpressing the emancipation of slaves and release from peonage through the cancellation of debts .The linguistically, Democracy is a word composed of two words: the first is derived from the Greek word Δ-;-ή-;-μ-;-ο-;-ς-;-´-or-Demos means the general public, and second Κ-;-ρ-;-α-;-τ-;-ί-;-α-;-´-or-kratia means the rule. Thus be democracy Demoacratia mean language rule of the people ´-or- cracy3 .
The linguistically, Democracy is a word composed of two words: the first is derived from the Greek word Δ-;-ή-;-μ-;-ο-;-ς-;-´-or-Demos means the general public, and second Κ-;-ρ-;-α-;-τ-;-ί-;-α-;-´-or-kratia means the rule. Thus be democracy Demoacratia mean language rule of the people ´-or- cracy .

1 Maruti Barron, Obama in Baghdad host Qusai Tariq, East Asia Magazine, 2013, 1, m 1, 124, p 50Qusay Tariq Jassim2- Doctrine Sofia
2- Doctrine of postmodern work artist Qusai Tariq, based on the collection of pleasure in high degree recipient, a response to abstraction which increased in stripping shape to the degree that it has its beauty, start working in the prime of abstract seventies pursuant traditionally after such a long time that diabetes with Kandinsky and Mondrian in 1910.
Accompanied by the artist in these works of art, periods of interruption during the working drawing mystic, do not feel the reality mind moving to another world sipping movements inspired shapes of Arts .. in Alsofia doctrine possible to put the painting in a museum and possible to put it in the guest lounge in your home as no harm them, these paintings resemble princesses mystic beautiful they realize Highness, nobility and beauty at the same time, and Alsofia based on collection forms that already exist from ancient sources such as forms television, cinema , calendar , fashion magazines , works of art from the Renaissance and modernity , commercials, and colors of the art eastern Iranian , Chinese and Indian´-or-plates Rodin and other colorists Aruba, until he reached the derivation chromatography to animated films for children, and commercials modern ... and re-integration of everyone somehow after an interview creates artist artwork again, does not belong to all taken from him, for I have root in every action and every color, within a certain style. style with the artist s disease almost 15 years ago has been developed by the artist under the hands of a group of scientists art at the Academy of Fine Arts. everything you see in the doctrine of technical Alsofia is mystical convulsions between two lovers.
These actions are a reflection of the age of globalization
Qusay tariq
3- Karen Radner, Eleanor Robson, ed. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 208–209
4- ama-gi. Hayek Society. Retrieved May 13, 2011.

Master / Academy of Arts / Drawing Branch
wrote a book entitled Art and the war
Wrote Dictionary of Iraqi artists called the Iraqi artist from A _Z.
The thirdbook published this year, the school abstract expressionism U.S.
vthe recipient of several awards for shows thou hast set
vtook first prize in the exhibition through the beauty ... Society Alcklin given me Shafiq al-Mahdi and a group of artist
vPrize winner at the Ishtar.
vdesign book covers.
vMake a video advertising and designing logos for companies´-or-institutions.
vactivist in the field of human rights.

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