Because of the huge power of the executive authorities, Democracy is off internationally

Ghada Abdulminim
2013 / 1 / 9

We know that in all democracies there are four theoretically authorities that their interaction leads to effective governance, and these authorities are:
Executive authority: (President, Prime Minister, ministers and police ... to other institutions of governance).
Judiciary: (courts and judiciary).
Legislative authority: (which in my opinion has to be separated from the regulatory authority, and shaped in new institutions to set laws, whereas people should be involved in directing and accountability).
Regulatory authority: (Parliament and supervisory institutions)

Theoretically, it’s supposed that these authorities are strong, effective and able to interact. It’s also supposed that they, together, are the regime; and because of their separation, multiplicity and independence, they lead to an effective regime that produces the best results for the citizen. Reality, unfortunately, confirms that in all current and former Democratic applications, in all countries which declare that they are democratic, and their Constitutions provide for that, there’salways one authority hasahugepower and eliminates - with its strength - most of the effectiveness and power of otherauthorities: it’s the executive power, which could, because of its strength compared to other authorities (legislative, regulatory and judicial), cancel the impact of these authorities, evenseemed as a formality that those others are effective in the process of governance. It keeps that impact limited and confined within the limits of punishing and guiding citizens, with degrees, ways, and biases that it sees.Thus, it’s - in my opinion, and because of some flaws in democracy applications and in the laws and rules that have been kept so far to ensure activating all authorities, and with the strength, which has been fortified by -limitingthe impact of the other three authorities, and do not give them their supposed strength, effectiveness and the ability to play an influential role in the process of governance, and thus turns out that the people and society are subjected to unfair outcomes that do not guarantee them their supposed rights from democratic governance.
The executive branch has ways to enforce and mislead, as it wishes. It uses huge mechanisms in terms of power and oppression enable it to be tyranny and to impose by brute force if it wants, and also enable it to distortand hide the facts. The scarcity of what people know about the facts of the rule of his country in all countries of the world, is one of the most disadvantages of democracy; for example, people, in all countries, do not know what his country s intelligence is doing, and this is something funny because of its absurdity; because most of the world does not have enemies, not in a state of war, so what does the intelligence in this country do? And why, customarily, it’s available to them, and according to the states’ rules,to commit fraud and graft?
Most intelligence agencies in the world are funded by creating companies, hidden underneath, and through which make trade, production and fraud - if you wish,along with transfer of funds and transfer of usually prohibited goods, They also do money laundering and trafficking in illegally goods, all this with no observation, no reason; for the State, where this infringement blatant law to finance intelligence, is often non-needy forIntelligence Services; it is not in a state of war, so their use of intelligence to corrupt the economy of other countries is unjustified, as well as the intelligence manipulation are not limited to disrupting the economy of foreign countries, but to corrupt the country s economy, and also to limit the powers of the rest of the legislative, judicial and regulatory authorities.
Besides, what is allocated to them, of money in the state budget,none in the state knows its spending details except the intelligence chief and interior minister, and sometimes the head of state. Add to this that the intelligence is always allowed, claiming to maintain the country s security, to breach all laws and rules with no compel to provide even any justification for these serious violations, which including murder. All thismighty power enjoyed by the intelligence service, which is an agency if we look in its behavior and the reasons for its existence, we will find that it’s not legitimate, its members have strongly powerful and alloweda hugefinance, and to practice commercial activity unattended from any quarter, and carry out illegal in his country and othercountrieswithout being accountable. Add to this, that people do not know anything about the work of this agency. And what it does in case of a war. More importantly, what to do in case of peace?. On whom it’ conspiring?
Yes, the whole world recognizes that its first task is conspiring against citizens, either foreign nationals or citizens of the state itself - and of course for the survival of the executive branch, which is part of it and in favor of inflating its strength and reduce the power of the rest of the authorities that are supposed to balance strength with her - .. Its stated mission (Imagine), which is at the disposal of the executive branch, but is part of the Imagining what this device can do? Imagine huge ability to mislead the people and nullifying the impact of the three branches of the judicial, legislative and regulatory!! Especially when he is not subject to any censorship of any kind.
The second agency, which itshuge strength can never be imagined, and which is supposed to beunder the command of executive branch, is the Ministry of Defensewith all its terribledivisions: the army with its all immeasurable titanicweapons, each of them has abrutal force, the simplest to do is murder, this tremendous force always remain without public work, for most of the world is not in a state of war, and some spark wars just tomake use this mighty mechanism, most twistedly - as happens in the United States for example, where it’s easily to ignite wars by senior military men for arms trafficking and laundering money generated from illegal trade.
This huge machinery that continue to grow in all countries, day by day, through what is being supplied by the dangerous weapons continuously and increasingly, which was vaccinated in advance in all countries of the world police its own laws and entrusted her trials exceptional place conditions cannotachieve justice and intelligence officers of their own. The huge mechanism production is planned within the state plan, where it produces any types of possible weapons away from the control of the people and do any types of possible search away from the supervision of the people, and control mechanisms in the country and all that it is only the state and the people Neutral doorstep and the three powers is the executive that’s is existing for it.
This mechanism most dominate the world, and can eliminate what it wants from the world and approve what it wants, and which manages the world s subcontractors and the movement of money and production, scientific research, politics and media in private, and which does not oblige laws in various countries of the world to declare disbursement, outlets budget, whileno citizen of in any country is aware what is happening in his country s army? Why spend the money? And where and how? Will produce and where to go what it produces?
This mighty force fall at the disposal of the executive branch, or it is together with the executive, and it is the most important part,are always in the case of reconciliation and search for common interests, and confirmation of the common interests between them and not true nor possible not be used army as a tool to strengthen the authority of the Governor (contrary possible also be Governor controlled senior military commanders).
It is important that this device uncensored people and the huge part of the executive branch is always in control and strong and able to govern alone or semi-solo, and this is known and declared in each country, but until they are waving it always, especially in dictatorships.
These two devices emphasize in each system and application of democratic strength and the magnitude of the executive branch and Anhya almost completely rest authorities for the governance process and the two are not partial executive power only two that they use for repression and deception and directing government and the governed, and the imposition of the wishes of the persons entrusted with positions of power by the Executive whole people, not there next to this giant (army) and the lawless (intelligence) sow too many of the executive power can by either repression directly to impose what you want or misleading Crown facts and Sir governance in ways not desired peoples, achieving the same course privileges wealth appalling and denied the people and the interests and even torture people if desired , keeping the regulatory authority away from seeing the truth and facts of the rule of the country and the interference of the reform, and misleading and void any knowledge or informed of the judiciary the truth about what is happening, and away the legislative authority for legislation of laws and regulations that will enable people to walk by virtue of their country or even life as you want, and away people from knowing Facts work, interests and funding from the charge of executive power centers, misleading him regarding all the facts of the rule of his country and other Alozra soldier of the executive branch to further mislead the people.
The executive authority that decides how direct education and government media (and sometimes the media all) and thus guide the knowledge inside her (and other countries sometimes) Vtkhvy what you want and declare what you want and confirm the superiority of what they want and limit the trends and identify biases.
Executive authority also owns manage all process economy and earnings and the distribution of livelihoods and reward the smaller ones and the great The Ministry such as the Ministry of Social Affairs, which is part of the executive responsible for granting pensions which are set rewards pension and prevent him from being Afaqarh After a career and remains Mistura.
The executive branch also have control mechanism services provided per person and can be used effectively to improve the lives of individuals or even use it to kill (as in the Ministry of Health) or deportation as in the Ministry of Transport, which if not working efficiently stayed most masses excluded from certain places and perhaps excluded from work because they can not use public transport, or punished as in the management of traffic, for example, which may facilitate traffic has Thbltj on people trying to apply the laws can not be applied and to punish anyone who does not adhere to, or used for guidance or to define or to mislead or otherwise.
Unfortunately, the executive branch in each country affects all of this impact huge in its citizens and beyond to also affect the citizens of other countries where plotting them and limit their chances and canceled some of their rights ÈÊÍßãåÇ in privileges enjoyed by other countries, including the security, trade and so on.
Output all and in all countries of the world is wiped three powers legislative, judicial and regulatory favor inflation executive power and this is what leads to manage the process rule states bad management not biased in favor of the citizen and therefore not biased in favor of human but in the interests of a very large and unreasonable nor justified and cannot even those who have by that enjoy virtually every part of it, from the horror of magnitude of a few, governor in the world, it all happens because of either tyranny using military power and spying military intelligence and public and police repression or misleading with respect to facts about the strength and effectiveness of the behavior of rulers and organs of executive power and all that calls me to emphasize the need to get rid of the oppression of the expansion is not logical for the power of the executive branch, and is available in all states of the ability to manipulate its economy and avoid full declaration flour for every penny spent by the executive branch, where people do not know where to exchange and why? In any part thereof, including the high-risk parts, which has been to insulate itself and keep funding sources, and the size of the knowledge of the people? Peoples must know the job and work on a daily basis and accurately every part of the executive branch a private army, intelligence and police in all their departments to ensure that they do not perform tasks against the interests of their people, assignments for the rulers.
In order that we can get to the effectiveness of the democratic system, which is divided into four authorities only in theory while fact that governing authority and one is executive where authorities use the other three in the organization of punishment people and guidance only and that the deficit in the governance rules and laws that are out rule in democratic countries, deficit and led to the cancellation of failure of democracy and replaced by tyranny, despotism advertiser sometimes and sometimes secreted, in order to do democracy must be sentenced rules and new laws and regulations limit the power of the executive branch.
In order to achieve democracy actually, we have to limit the mechanisms of executive power, which help them to impose their wishes and control citizens in their state and other states, by reducing the sizes of armies, reorganize and develop new rules to define people of all minutes of work and budget and research and the transfer of intelligence to devices legitimacy and not criminal as is currently on weaker assumptions and if it is not canceled altogether, and restructure and adjust and look at what it costs each section of the Ministry of Interior and the abolition of the National Security and State Security and other departments of Interior, which works in favor of the people and one goal is to enable the executive power.
And regulating the presence of a mechanism that can rally to defend the country at the outbreak of war sudden and with reduction of unexplained large armies in cases of peace, or at least converted to bodies participate in the development of nations in peace with its readiness for war at the outbreak of war.
And organizing laws allow citizens to participate effectively in monopolized executive power to direct the education and information, education and the economy, foreign policy and adoption rights can not be undone by or made relative or organization with varying degrees of citizens with regard to services and achieve these human rights internationally treaties make it guaranteed to every citizen in every state and equally so outside the authority of governments and turn the situation becomes punishment executive power when you do not provide universally agreed-class is possible, not disparity in savings, based on the wishes of the executive branch and using claims such as poverty and poor economic conditions.
Working to reduce the power of the executive branch by the laws and rules prescribed tough new global deletion of abilities and powers of the executive branch action must be done by the peoples of the world everywhere so that they can enjoy genuine democracy. Democracy cannot be present with neglecting the interests of the citizens in any form, nor the interests of illegal and in excess of the allowable for referees, and we all have to share in the proposal and complete rules and new laws are the hoped-for true democracy.

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