Silence communication

Shamsan Dabwan Saeed
2012 / 12 / 21

Human by nature is socially , so they live in a group village , city , country and nations . These groups need a mean of communication. Communication defined as the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings. There are many communications by which People convey their meanings, feelings and ideas. Although it considers the main process of communication, but there are specific situations where we cannot use language. So the means of communication is various. Here I would like to discuss the silence communication, communication where we can t use oral contact . Before we discuss this topic we know what we means by silence communication . All gestures and body language that carry a special meanings for others . These meanings has selected from holy Quran and general knowledge . Scientific research revealed that people put their impact on others from the first ninety seconds. Here in the first section I would like to discuss the body appearance and new look .
The body form " appearance or new look plays an important role in communication with others. You can make a successful communication by different ways. In a story of Youssef prophet with the wife of the king of Egypt . a bad news rumored that the wife of king is passionately fond of Youssef . So the wife is get anger and wants to convey the real message practically. So she invited them, gave each one a knife and let Youssef appeared suddenly . The result was cutting their hands …. Ext . Conveying a good impression. Another ways of expressing ……. . Every gesture you use has a meaning. Your clothes, getting pedicure and manicure and the way of meeting people has individual meanings . This is on the body as a whole. and every part of body has its own meanings .
Ducking your head down means that avoiding being seen or hit by others or getting shame of doing some situation . in a holy Quran the lower head or body very quickly indicates the shame , regret and ignominy this stated in holy Quran "ناكسو رؤوسهم عند ربهم" so someone try to convey the strong of his personality in meeting or talking with others . also twisting your head means or convey the meaning of spitefulness , arrogant and turning away from doing something . This is stated in holy Quran " واذا قيل لهم تعالوا يستغفر لكم ... الآية " " shunning or interruption while someone is speaking generate impression that you are no longer to listen to him . so listen carefully to others while talking to you . This is the expressions of head. Face gestures also has other meanings. Some people suggest the personality by the face lineaments in general and the feelings also . lineaments convey a very clear feelings anger , happiness , sorrow and grief , revulsion and fear . This is stated in holy Quran "سيماهم في وجوههم "" "وجوه يومئذ ناضرة" "وجوه يومئذ مسفرة"",واذا بشر احدهم بالأنثى ظل وجهه مسودا وهو كظيم" . Face conveys the meanings show that you are not able to speak with him or her .
The other section I would like to discuss is the language of eyes. The main and principal means of silence communication . Eyes carry so many expressions, feelings and direct meanings. It carries the meanings of fear, happy, shame, sorrow, betroth, love, astonishment and other meanings. These meanings depend on the period of contact, the direction of eye and the way of eye contact. Long contact of eyes on someone means the threats and unrespect while the short eye contact means shame , busy or concentration . We can abbreviate the meanings of happiness and sorrow by the way of communication. Quran stated a tale of Youssef brothers " "وجاؤ اباهم عشاء يبكون in describing the happiness " واذا سمعو ما انزل من الرسول ترى اعينهم تفيض من الدمع مما عرفوا من الحق " . in other subject Islam emphasis on the danger of eye taboo as an arrow of shitan . eye is really a complete language without letters and pronunciation . we do not forget that some beggars cry all day long for help while they have skyscrapers
Smiling is another language contact among people . it does not carry a specific meaning , it have a variety of meanings . smiling is a sign of happiness this is stated in quran " فتبسم ضاحكا من قولها " it shows also disapproval " فلما جاءهم بآياتنا اذا هم منها " "يضحكون smiling is a generator friendly and cheerful meanings .? . light smiling of girls directly or indirect attract passers . a rubber may send a smile to rube your mobile . Whatever we speak about the negative side of smile, but we still stress that smile consider the alms of poor people.
In other words, some people contact with other around them orally, but they hide another meanings and feelings. The doctor asks how are you? How to do you feel? The patient replay fine!! While his appearance shows another feelings. Paleness of fingernails and face, high pulse and sweat indicate other meanings. whatever people hide feelings on other but body language shows the real feelings and convey the real meanings of you .

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