The Ideal Teacher

shamsan Dabwan Saeed
2012 / 11 / 2

Teaching is a holy task that not anyone can stick to. Teaching is something of great value and plays a vital role in developing societies. It is not as easy a task as some may think. A teacher is someone who can make heroes, and are vital in forming the successful and famous men who play a role in developing their societies. So important is it to choose teachers that are highly skilled that some countries have specific procedures and tests to judge the suitability of those who study at Faculties of Education to prepare teachers. Here I would like to mention some elements that make a good teacher. I will shed light on three aspects that make a good teacher: their knowledge and competencies, their preparation and practice, and their personal qualities. A good teacher is one who has great knowledge to enrich their subject, and has a good technique to deliver it. A good teacher will make the purpose and content of their subject explicit, will plan carefully and use systematic assessment and feedback. They will make a connection with their students and encourage them to think for themselves, and be a model to what they want to achieve.

First of all, a good teacher who helps prepare their students is the one who has great knowledge about their subject. Such teachers support their students with the necessary knowledge about their subject. He or she will keep up-to-date with their subject, and follow-up the current knowledge and changes in their subject. Some teachers pretend to have a full knowledge about their subject, but the good ones try to learn from the students themselves. I remember a day in secondary school when I asked my mathematics teacher “Teacher, can you help me with this question in physics?” The teacher firmly replied “Physics, yes, why not.” I gave him my notebook and let him read the question and waited for his reply. I could see the teacher think deeply and sweat run down his face. I told the teacher that I had a lesson to go to but that he could take the question with him and bring it back tomorrow. Three days I waited for his answer. Finally he replied “Oh, this is a physics question. I don ‘t know. I thought it was a mathematics question!”

A second attribute that marks a good teacher are their repertoire of best practices in teaching. The teacher should inform their students of the tasks and lessons they will teach, explain the techniques they will use and the progress made. They should encourage students to think and participate, to make connections within the group, reinforce that students should learn from each other, and let them know that if they make a mistake. They should not ridicule or treat their students negatively. They should inform their students that it is not shameful to commit mistakes, the shame is in keeping silent and not participating with your friends. The shame is to repeat your mistakes several times and not to learn from them to improve your abilities to the highest standard. I remember a moment when I was in secondary school and I wrote an article about optimism. I handed it to my Arabic teacher to review the mistakes, and the teacher laughed at me and told me to stop being so picky. This reaction led me to hate the teacher. A good teacher understands that individuals learn at different rates and in different ways. A teacher should use simple language when necessary and treat students ‘ questions seriously, without intimidation and ridicule. They should use a variety of activities and tasks, pace the work, and evaluate their students ‘ progress. In addition to what is mentioned above, they should use breaks and activities to engage their pupils ‘ thinking and interests. These are traits that are found in an ideal teacher. In other words, a good teacher delivers tasks using different techniques, helps students to improve their skills, and gains the students ‘ respect and trust. Wining students ‘ respect sometimes does not come from a teacher ‘s way of teaching, but by some personal qualities that a good teacher brings with them.

A third aspect that helps in making a good teacher is some personal qualities they possess. Such qualities are very important for a teacher to help them achieve a good outcome. A good teacher is one that demonstrates empathy with their students ‘ thinking, anticipates their misconceptions, and allow students to develop understanding in a variety of ways. A good teacher distributes his remarks inside the classroom, and does not concentrate on an individual to show favoritism. Through remarks and questions, a teacher can judge whether their students are concentrating on the lesson or not. A good teacher should show flexibility in responding to students ‘ needs. A highly effective personal quality is being viewed as being easy going, relaxed, and with an open manner. This brings a relaxed atmosphere to the class room. A good teacher is systematic and well organized, focused, determined and hardworking. They should be creative and imaginative, and have an open attitude to change. They should be resourceful and positive, and adopt a problem-solving approach. In short, a good teacher is one who to the best of their abilities allows students to learn and helps them overcome their problems and difficulties.

A fourth aspect of being a good teacher regards teacher competencies. The quality of educational services depends primarily on the quality of the teachers. Some countries list four competencies: professionals values and personal commitments, professional knowledge and understanding, professional and personal attributes, and professional actions.

Now I have mentioned some attributes that help in making a good teacher, please read them carefully and provide me feedback. Are some of these attributes visible in your teachers? How many students drop out from school as a result of aggressive dealings by their teachers? How many teachers encounter violence from their students inside or outside schools as a result of misunderstanding? Let me see your replies. Good luck to you all.

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