The Prophet Gandhi!

Freeyad Ibrahim
2011 / 4 / 25

The Prophet Gandhi!
By Freyad Ibrahim,
As a youth I had once read a close friend, who was pious Muslim and intellectual, the following quotation from a book:
Jesus says:
“Ye have heard that thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say to you: Love all men, even thine enemies."
And his precepts are:
"Those who live by sword shall die by sword."
"Men should turn another cheek."
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars ."
Then I asked him : What do you think of him?
He smiled self confidently and said:
"That is no divine text but it is written by the people who hate Muhammad PBUH and Allah Jalla Jalaleh. I see that the word LOVE in the text must thus be replaced by HATE because they do hate their enemy: Muhammad and the Muslims . Bible is rewritten and reshaped just to counteract the Quran. As it happens in the texts you´ve just read me; they produce nothing but sayings and words contradictory to our holy Quran: that the Muslims hate and kill their enemies but the Christians don’t. We Muslims live by sword and we don’t forgive the sinner. We require booty and collect jiziya and loot the lands we conquer, but they never .
Don’t you see that it is a fabricated account? The words of Jesus are not God ´s words but the politicians´ and people with a hideous agenda.
Not convinced, I read him the following Hadith:
Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The beast would appear (near the Last Hour) along with the signet-ring of Musa b. Imran s staff asaa(pbuh). It would make a believer s face brilliant with the staff and brand the nose of a disbeliever with the signet-ring till inmates of a collection of houses adjacent to one another would assemble and this (man) would utter, O believer and that (man) would say, O infidel ."
And asked him: “ Could you depict any trace of peace in the Hadith and alike?”
Then added: “ I feel rather scared every time I come across such Ayats of the Quran: (Smite ye above their necks and smite ye all of their finger-tips.)
And the ayat: ( fight in the way of Allah and shalt sly and be slain.)
After all I came with a suggestion which gave him a shock:
“ Don’t you think that we need a new prophet who would bring a real peace and a profound safety in place of fear and war?”
“How dare you!! I will kill you if you say such a rubbish again.” he burst in outrage .
Then he murmured with himself: Astagfirullah and turned to me toiling and struggling to appear calm:
“Listen to me dear, there are more than one evidence that the Quran is a miracle, never changed and would never alter as Bible did, in this way it was and still is challenging all minds and wits all over the globe, in all times and eras!
“ I give you another challenge yet easier to your digestion.” he sighed again and said:
“ Muhammad PBUH says I am the seal of the prophets, thus the last one, in other terms: no prophet would appear after him. And this is another challenging, if not , why did not a prophet appear after him?”
Now after three decades I think back of my friend´s words and my thought goes to Mahatma Gandhi and his doctrine and principles of peace:
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for.”
Later in his life when he was asked whether he was a Hindu, he replied:
"Yes I am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew."
And I say if there were a prophet yet to come then, Ghandi could have been the first successor!
And a better Prince of Peace!

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