The Vicious Circle of Lawlessness and Outlawing (2)

Ramsis Hanna
2011 / 2 / 8

The Vicious Circle of Lawlessness and Outlawing (2)
Monday 7th Feb. 2011

In part 1 of this article, we have divulged the interior and home affairs and the relationships in the hypocrite air with which all political institutions and establishments are inflating themselves into such arrogance that each one can hear or see none except themselves and everyone can claim hogwash against the others.
In this part 2 the many aspects of violating the laws and how the moral code which has kept the integrity of Egyptian polarities peacefully coexisting for centuries has been intentionally dropped from all the political calculations on all sides; while the public especially the youth and poor people have been emarginated in a humiliating background and overlooked by all the systems depending on them being trivial and without any cultural level other than singing, dancing and their internet social communication; a belief that has accelerated revealing and uncovering the stagnant mire in which the whole system with other movements mar their faces and statures.

A casual observer who is well oriented with Egyptian culture can notice that it emerges on the surface in all aspects of Egyptian daily lives some sort of unanimity about all official and governmental establishments, on public and individual levels, breaking the laws, morals, customs and traditions. The moral code of today’s Egypt is completely different from that of the 1960s and middle 1970s. The system is completely responsible for this situation, from the governmental simple employee who has drowned in bribes and in hindering the interests of unsupported people to the top symbols of the state with their favoritism and blackmailing the majority of Egyptian people. Take, for an example, the situation of the Ministry of Interior concerning one aspect of the Coptic problem: It is much easier to build a prostitution house than to just maintain a bathroom in a church. Another example of the system’s corruption is its bias that has always supported the religious calls for fanaticism on its formal mass media whether press or T. V. channels while it bans the publication of moderate books which really looks into matters according to logic, reason and philosophical outlook.

This does not mean that the old moral code has been replaced by another new set of morals; it means that morale, rationales and morals which have been given up are replaced by another set of a radical arena which is meant to tinge the society with a vague atmosphere of supremacy of a certain class, not because of their political or economic powerful features but because of their religious appearance and practices. Yet this religious trend has gained economic and social ground much larger than the government itself can recognize or control. However, this class is subdivided into two categories; the top leaders of the class who own the capital and power; and the employees who work for them and benefiters who receive the alms and feel they owe their existence and fidelity to the groups and their leaders. The leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood try hard to hypocritically merge with the global inclinations and trends towards democracy and freedom; the thing that shows their ability to camouflage to survive any repressing situation waiting for the moment to reveal their tough insistence on retaliation.

In this corrupted atmosphere does the Muslim Brotherhood appear as the only honorable group that still adheres to the ethics, morals, morale and rationales on Islamic background and they give the impression that they are the only group who can save the society and guard the religion. Thus, the group wins more ground and more support of the broad class of citizens. Added to this, the government’s frequent crackdowns on the group members have won them a lot of sympathy incomparable to any group on the factitious public scene, these groups and the government have intentionally or unintentionally collaborated to create a situation where the gap between the system and the public deepen and broadens. Moreover, the so-called opposition parties (23 parties) by no means have any slight effect or any apparent influence at all on the public scenario; and many, if not most of the youths, have no ideas about these political legal parties versus the illegal and banned Muslim Brotherhood.

Any government is the executive top power that is authorized to protect not only the majority but also the minority’s interests in accordance with the constitutions and the laws integrating to it. And in this sense the government should be a true servant of the public not an arrogant manipulator considering and dealing with the public in a humiliating way as though the public were chess pieces moved by the system’s intelligence to serve only its interests and the economic elites that surround it; and a look into the accumulated wealth and riches of the individuals in the ruling system and the economic elites shows the size of matching between the system and the capital which has grown many folds since this matching (marriage) between the government and the capitalists began with the result that the more this marriage strengthens, the more both of them violates the law. Let’s have a very naive and simple calculation of how the capital has accumulated in a frenzy leap. Before Mr. Ahmad Ezz took over the public plants of concrete iron, the price of concrete iron ranged from 600 to 750 Egyptian pounds per ton. After Mr. Ezz took over, the ton’s price soared to 10,000 Egyptian pounds; almost ten folds. Where has this wealth gone????

The uprising of the Egyptian youths is a sudden strike on the faces of the system and all the political parties in Egypt as they were taken by surprise without being able to expect what the uprise may result in. Neither the system nor the political parties (including the Muslim Brotherhood) have any solid ground to stand upon or any agenda of planned political, economic, or social programs to achieve solutions to our many problems. However, the uprising youths have no demands except the departure of the president and all his cabinet but these youths have no alternatives; thus their only demand will create a sort of constitutional black void or “vacuum” below all the Egyptians. This void cannot be filled by any of the political parties in Egypt because these parties have no political agenda of any programs. And President Hosny Mubarak still has an intelligence mentality and is strong-headed and smart enough to take action in the critical area. And according to the president s policy, after an Arab poet s line (Fire eats itself up if it does not find anything to eat), which he has been applying for his 30-year regime, and after the policemen giving up their tasks and turning out to be the first looters, and after setting the criminals free out of prisons to attack and spread terror among people, at the same time there was no one to take action or reaction to save the situation except the President, who asked the army (which is well accepted, respected and appreciated by all the Egyptian public) to interfere. And the army was able to absorb and meet the youths emotional rash and spate, therefore the heat began to cool down. Yet, still is fire under ashes.

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