Arranged marriages and human trafficking

Kawthar Farah
2011 / 2 / 6

Middle Eastern Muslim or Christian families, raise their daughters according to a high ethical standard on how to take care of themselves, especially their “virginity” or, as what they name it, their honor. Interestingly, as soon as a suitor asks for their daughter’s hand, and if he is acceptable, parents trade their daughter beauty, youth, and virginity for money and more importantly, the responsibility of no longer caring for her. In human trafficking there is the pimp who gives the girls to the receiver that can afford the price. In the first scenario, the parents are the ones who sell their daughters while in the second scenario it is the pimp. In the first scenario, the parents get money in different legal names as part of the marriage lease while, in the second scenario, the pimp gets the money in the name of prostitution. In the first scenario, the girl is led to believe she has the freedom to choose, and most girls think they are choosing their suitor. Although this may seem to be the case, these girls are the victims to the norms in their society. While in the second scenario, girls are either victims of their social, economic or political environment or victims of human trafficking. In both scenarios, there is the lack of free will that makes the person responsible for their actions.
For a good marriage, both parts should know each other well before marriage. They should be alike in their thinking, activities, hobbies and interests. Being alike makes them understand each other even more. In our countries, we are raised with the idea opposites attract. Opposites might like each other at the beginning but in the long run the marriage cannot sustain their interest in each other.
Arranged marriage, the most common form of marriage in these societies, destroys the female’s soul, heart and dignity.

Farah 2
I am kindly asking societies to reconsider and change our ideas about arranged marriage. We sincerely need to change this thousand year old practice, so that our future will have a healthier and more fulfilling life.
If this practice does not change, we will subject our families to depression, adultery and divorces. In my opinion, if we are to change arranged marriages, we need the help of religious authorities. They need to share the truth of many unsuccessful and unhappy unions to prevent this type of condemning life for the new generation.

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